Zombicide: Zombie Bosses Abomination Pack

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Rok wydania
he zombie plague reached the far corners of the world, up to the remote places the monsters of old used to hide from human eyes. And then these nightmares are back, turned into war machines of infected omen. You can run, but you can’t hide: they are faster, kill everyone in a large swipe, and will even smash through walls to get to you. If you had a plan, think again! The Zombie Bosses – Abomination Pack comes with 3 miniatures, including 1 Abominotaur, 1 Ablobination, and 1 Abominatroll. It also includes 10 Broken Wall cardboard tokens, 12 spawn cards, and a rules flyer.

Więcej informacji
Rok wydania 2019
Kod paskowy (EAN) 5902560381870
Płeć chłopiec, dziewczynka
Wiek 15-99 lat
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